The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. (Pepper Esq William F.)

15,92 €
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Bestselling author, James Earl Ray's defense attorney, and, later, lawyer for the King family William Pepper reveals who actually killed MLK. William Pepper was James Earl Ray's lawyer in the trial for the murder of Martin Luther King Jr., and even after Ray's conviction and death, Pepper continues to adamantly argue Ray's innocence. This myth-shattering expose is a revised, updated, and heavily expanded

EAN: 9781510729629

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Bestselling author, James Earl Ray's defense attorney, and, later, lawyer for the King family William Pepper reveals who actually killed MLK. William Pepper was James Earl Ray's lawyer in the trial for the murder of Martin Luther King Jr., and even after Ray's conviction and death, Pepper continues to adamantly argue Ray's innocence. This myth-shattering expose is a revised, updated, and heavily expanded volume of Pepper's original bestselling and critically acclaimed book Orders to Kill, with twenty-six years of additional research included. The result reveals dramatic new details of the night of the murder, the trial, and why Ray was chosen to take the fall for an evil conspiracy--a government-sanctioned assassination of our nation's greatest leader. The plan, according to Pepper, was for a team of United States Army Special Forces snipers to kill King, but just as they


V našej podkategórii Knihy nájdete široký výber literatúry určenej pre všetkých nadšencov čítania. Ponúkame diela svetových autorov, bestsellery, ale aj menšie knižky, ktoré Vás oslovia svojou jedinečnou tematikou. Okrem bežne známej beletrie sa samozrejme venujeme aj odbornej literatúre, kde môžete nájsť návody a tipy na zlepšenie svojej práce, ale aj knihy so spoločenským či histórickým zameraním. Naši zákazníci oceňujú nielen širokú ponuku, ale aj rýchle dodanie a vždy kvalitné knihy. Vyberte si aj Vy z našej kategórie Knihy a rozšírte si obzory.

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Produkt je zaradený v kategóriách Filmy, knihy, hry > Knihy

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