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EAN: 9788081990090
Výrobca: TIMY Partners s.r.o.
Autor, ktorý strávil dlhé roky v diplomatickom zbore v zahraničí, sa na stránkach tejto úžasnej knihy vyznáva z lásky k Slovensku. Ku krajine, kam sa vždy rád vracia, ktorá vo svojej histórii bola mnohokrát dobytá a pokorená, no ktorá vždy povstala a víťazila a nenechala sa nikdy zraziť na kolená. Výsledkom autorovej lásky k Slovensku je jeho zbierka 120 fotografií, cez ktoré chce Milan Zachar aj vám ukázať magickú nádheru našej krajiny, jej úžasnú energiu a hrdosť. Pozrite si miesta, ktoré ste možno videli stokrát, no z autorovho uhlu pohľadu objavíte čo ste doposiaľ sami nevideli a pochopíte, koľko krásy vám uniká a koľko toho ešte stále môžete objaviť. Či už na stránkach tejto knihy, alebo naživo naprieč Slovenskom.
The face of Slovakia was shaped by many empires and nations in the past. From Celts, Dacians, Romans
(Emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote his Thoughts to Myself on the riverbanks of Granova - modern-day Hron),
Samo´s Empire, Slavic Great Moravian Empire, Hungarian Kingdom, Habsburg Austria, Austro-Hungarian
Empire, on the relics of which, after thousand years, Slovaks regained their independence as part of the First
Czechoslovak Republic. There was a brief affair with the Nazi Germany, the restoration of Czechoslovak
statehood under the supervision of the communist Soviet Union as well as the change of society order in 1989
and the subsequent declaration of independence on January 1, 1993.
Over those long centuries, the inhabitants of Slovakia have faced many challenges. Important milestones
in the history included the adoption of Christianity as well as the subsequent expulsion of the remainder
of apostles Cyril and Methodius´ Byzantine mission and affiliation to the Western Church.
The epidemic of Black Death decimated the numbers of inhabitants. The subsequent German colonization
brought modernization and flourishing of the society. The Ottoman invasions imposed a direct threat
to a significant part of the population. Slovakia also didn´t evade the religious conflicts in Europe. The last
century saw brief episodes of versatile and democratic development followed by the bloodiest dictatorships ever.
Gaining independence 25 years ago started off a tortuous journey to democracy and a period of probably
the greatest prosperity Slovakia has ever experienced. Being a diplomat, I have spent longer periods of my life
abroad. It is really interesting to get to know new countries, to understand the peculiarities of different social
orders, religions, and other cultures. People in my profession, however, often don´t get to know their own
country. I have spent many years taking photographs of my country. First on a really amateur basis.
From a camera fixed in tiny "Chinese balloons", through a hang-glider and gliders to small planes.
All that has resulted in nearly 120 pictures in which I am trying to showcase the magic beauty of Slovakia.
V našej podkategórii Knihy nájdete široký výber literatúry určenej pre všetkých nadšencov čítania. Ponúkame diela svetových autorov, bestsellery, ale aj menšie knižky, ktoré Vás oslovia svojou jedinečnou tematikou. Okrem bežne známej beletrie sa samozrejme venujeme aj odbornej literatúre, kde môžete nájsť návody a tipy na zlepšenie svojej práce, ale aj knihy so spoločenským či histórickým zameraním. Naši zákazníci oceňujú nielen širokú ponuku, ale aj rýchle dodanie a vždy kvalitné knihy. Vyberte si aj Vy z našej kategórie Knihy a rozšírte si obzory.
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