One for Sorrow - Helen Fields, HarperCollins Publishers

11,35 €
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'Omg! Wow! What a great book! Suspense, intrigue, action and a great who-done-it with a crazy twist!! I did not see that coming! What a story!' Reader review 'A breathtaking thriller with a devastating conclusion. I can't stop thinking about it.' - Bestselling author Susi Holliday One for sorrow, two for joyEdinburgh is gripped by the greatest terror it has ever known: a lone bomber is targeting victims

EAN: 9780008379339

Výrobca: Slovart

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'Omg! Wow! What a great book! Suspense, intrigue, action and a great who-done-it with a crazy twist!! I did not see that coming! What a story!' Reader review 'A breathtaking thriller with a devastating conclusion. I can't stop thinking about it.' - Bestselling author Susi Holliday One for sorrow, two for joyEdinburgh is gripped by the greatest terror it has ever known: a lone bomber is targeting victims across the city, and no one is safe. Three for a girl, four for a boyIn their jobs, DCI Ava Turner and DI Luc Callanach deal with death every day.But when it becomes clear that every bomb is a trap designed to kill them too, the possibility of facing it themselves starts to feel all too real. Five for silver, six for goldWith the body count rising daily and the bomber's methods becoming ever more horrifying, Ava and Luc must race to find out who is behind the attacks - or pay the ultimate price... Seven for a secret never to be told...With twists and turns you'll never see coming, prepare to be gripped by this devastatingly good thriller. Perfect for fans of Stuart MacBride and MJ Arlidge. Readers are OBSESSED with One For Sorrow! 'Oh my goodness, what an absolute cracker.It has everything you want: the plot, the twists, the suspense, the characters, the setting....and that totally amazing ending which dealt me a punch to my abdomen.' 'Please just read this. I could not put it down' 'If only there were more than 5 stars. I could not turn the pages fast enough.' 'Absolutely bloody brilliant! A must-read.' 'I absolutely loved this book.It can be read on its own, but do yourself a favour and read the entire series.' 'Absolutely BRILLIANT! Had me gripped from the very first page and I couldn't put the book down. I am DESPERATE for the next instalment!' 'Wow, this hits you in the feels from page one! If I could give it more than five stars, I would!' 'A masterclass in thriller writing.' 'A wild ride! It sucked me in immediately. My stomach was in knots, and I was up way too late because I could not stop reading.Unputdownable!'


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